Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Last night.

I tried to go to bed.

I wasnt really tired, my mind racing, but knew I needed to try, so I went to bed at 11. I couldnt sleep. I was worried about you. this move. Money. finding work.

I was struck with how potentially stupid it all was, how badly it could go.

I saw you me and kiddo in different scenarios.

The drive up being bad somehow for you. 

You leaving us in the car, not coming back as we sit there, watching you leave in the rain; not looking back.

Us fighting, loudly, angriily, like my mum and dad did on occasion. Kiddo crying behind the couch like I used too.

Us abandoning the dog, because we cant afford to feed him.

Kiddo getting sick as hell, and suffering cause we cant find work and subsequently, health care.

Being turned down for WIC or state aid for medical care for kiddo.

I watched myself get laid off in my mind; lived through that c section again.

I guess it's emotions running wild, tension/nerves on edge.

Sitting throughout the day today, while our kiddo naps, soon, I wager, to wake, on the verge of crying, I am unsure. 
These unsteady thoughts pulling, tugging, ripping
like teeth worrying skin
exposing the innermost thoughts of the worried, tension filled heart.
Since in this case
my worries are not wholly of the logical grey noise
of the exacting mind
more of the emotional heart
the warm/hothot-cold

That's why I hold you dear.

We'd like to meet the future that is on our minds

That's why I hold you
That's why I hold you
That is why I hold you, dear

so close at night
when I can

the fear of losing all we've accomplished;
worked so hard for

fuck the money
fuck the things
fuck the belongings

Just the heart; the arms holding
our three ways
bound in one

That is why I hold you, dear

My disinclination for emotional outbursts
you dislike them so
fixfixfix - you cannot fix it all

That's why I hold you

Your warm assurance; hands so big
arms so long
The only one I can look towards
for support
in trust; in anger
in joy, in orgasm
in all things
all things - all

That is why I hold you, dear

All that I see;
are peaceful lies, strung around
in a storm of delusion, that at some point
we like to take the sun from the sky 
it's high throne
and burn the clouds of notions
with the stark reality that we on occasion hide from.

That's why I hold you
That's why I hold you - 
That is why I hold you, dear.

to dive, in the ways of Dreams
Show me your ways
show you mine
with some grace
we'll go, we three and a half

Don't turn away; to leave to wallow in this
hole of a place.
Far away, near between
I hold, holding, held
but keep it

the inside, outside
creeping, crawling
the old familiar longings
replaced by these constant tension
the easy going grace we used to 
slide with
hard to maintain a grip on.

That's why I hold you
That is why I hold you, dear.

Grounding my tense heat with persistant nudges
of teeth, into worried skin
We will
take the sun
and breathe life into
plans, come July.

Thats why I hold you - 
That's why I hold you - 

That is why I hold you, Dear.

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