Wednesday, January 23, 2019

friends from afar.

I hold some so dear

so close to my heart. I wonder that they could know how much I care, or love.
One, a friend now of four years.
We talk almost every day
sharing picture of lewd art
and talking of a game we loosely play
and infrequently together.
He gives unspoken grace, knowing my limitations to play
and never castigates for my silences as
my children make their demands of my body and self.
He may never understand how grateful I am for that grace.
It's impossible to think
two people can be such friends after never meeting in the flesh.
But here we are.
I have several friends like this.
Another I met the same time as the last
in some guild in the game we all played.
We don't talk like we used to
but every now and then
on the facebook we send a smile
A brief I love you before we're
pulled away to our lives.
We'd lose hours together
on skype, talking of life, love and ideas for
lives we fantasized about.
Yet another, I met years ago on
a forum for a band we loved.
We've been through many trials now
and talk almost every day
a sharing of music most often
maybe a mutual smoke from afar
as we inhale the green dream
that takes us away.
We used to talk for hours of our dreams
sharing music and speculations.

As time goes on I find I am more grateful for these far away friends. Connecting in the safety of our phones, apps and computers. I have the world at my fingertips with these devices, and countless friends with whom to spend time with. I am so grateful.

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